MIS 4-Part Project Overview
This activity will allow you to describe your understanding of MIS as it relates to your individual programs or field of work. You will complete a report/presentation project specific to their field of interest and detail an IS that would be needed as part of a realistic activity. This activity will be completed in 4 parts.
You will complete a report/presentation that will include the requirements from each part. You will need to follow each part and submit the parts in accordance with instructions and the due date in appropriate module.
The first part of your project will set the foundation for building the project out. It covers the background and essential concepts of MIS as it relates to your future field of work.
INSTRUCTIONS: This part will require you to identify all necessary computers and technology that you’ll need to attain your business goal(s). You will begin by identifying your organization’s value chain, conducting a Five Force analysis, and then conduct a SWOT analysis. You will begin to work with Tableau and recreate the report in our own way. You will learn more about Parts 1a and 1b later in this Module.
MIS Project 1a: Identifying Processes
In this activity you will create processes using proper BPMN, UML and then use them to develop strategies which would help them to obtain competitive advantage. The activity will consist of using business process modeling notation (BPMN) and use case diagram (UML) to depict diagrams in real-world scenarios. As a reminder, the report created will is part of the MIS 4-Part Project submitted in Module 8.
Instructions: Begin by going to the MS Azure Education Hub. Please download MS Visio and install using the directions listed in the download section. You also have the option of using https://draw.io. or even https://creately.com.
You will create processes based upon the following examples and then will use concepts to create diagrams that reflect their respective fields of interests.
For part 1: Use the examples on the Creately.com blog and recreate on your own. Your recreation will be in a Word format and be place in the appendix of the Dashboard of the MIS 4-Part Project you will submit in Module 8. To complete this part, do NOT copy and paste the image, recreate the processes in your own way. Place in a formal outline in the appendix as mentioned. Along with each image, restate the process in your OWN words.
For part 2: You will need to go to https://Amazon.com and create a process for the following instructions only.
Think about the process for searching and then placing your order in a shopping cart. Do NOT go any further than searching and placing in your cart. There are many more processes, but for this one we will create a simple high-level view first of adding an item to purchase in a shopping cart.
You will need to think about who is doing the searching (in this case it is you), all possible steps in the ordering process (for example, you should include opening a web browser and opening the Amazon site to searching the site. Think about the processes in the previous part to apply these concepts to this part.
Identify all steps in the process to searching and then placing your item in your shopping cart
Develop a table with the following headers (labels- use excel or word tables but the table needs to be included in your word document)
Actor in the process
This is who is doing the activity
Major steps
General high-level view of the steps
Minor-detailed steps
Detailed steps in the ordering process
Data type
This would be specifically what the data is you are looking at/ collecting
For example: email; text or database; integer
How is data used (are you doing any of the below?)
Writing, reading, updating
Your diagrams on the processes for above
By completing this activity, you should be able to describe processes as part of developing strategies in the overall development and or implementation of an IS. As well as describe how processes are part of establishing a competitive advantage.
Supporting material: Feel free to review the BPMN Template for examples.
If you would like to review an example of what you should develop, review the Model answer Tableau Lab
MIS Project Part 1b: Your Industry
This activity will provide you with the opportunity to explore their future industry. To complete the assignment, first understand concepts of computers and MIS in Industry today.
This is an exercise in research computer parts/servers and MIS. You are setting up a new department, you will need a budget of $50,000.00 to purchase new computers (technology systems) for your department.
Select one of three organizations for your project organization; Sports Business, Hospitality, or Advertisement.
Select the organization that best fits you. Conduct an analysis of the organization to start with. Provide a summary of what the organization is and what they do. You will need to understand the company.
Then think about a new multi-million-dollar client you are taking on. In sports business it can be your favorite sports team or player. In hospitality it can be a new investment in a hotel. In marketing it can be a new company/business where you are running a new campaign.
Your department is now overseeing the client. You need computers (technology); identify the types of computer systems (hardware) and software you will need. Do not simply say a computer. You really need to research information based upon concepts in the reading.
Before you can settle on the system, you need to understand what it is you don’t know and what it is you need to know.
Information: Look at your selected organization ask yourself; what is it you want/need to know about your new client?
There are additional questions you need to ask as well… what are those questions you have? Take a moment and write down all possible questions. For example (*Note you can NOT use this as one of your only questions- you need more); I might want to know what my client total business market is… Or how can I obtain that information; for example. You need to come up with your own questions, this is part of the exercise and identifying the business problem.
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete an analysis of your organization by referencing concepts from your readings. Start with detailing and graphing out your industry structure, its value chains, business process and IS. Graphically design it first by using the processes from the previous activity. Then evaluate against porter’s five force model.
Identify and create a table using these concepts:
Bargaining power of customers
Threat of substitutions
Bargaining power of suppliers
Threat of new entrants
Your diagrams on the processes for above
Now that you’ve completed an analysis of your organization, apply Porter’s four competitive Strategies for your organization. Graphically design the strategies you engage in.
Next, determine your value chain based upon concepts from your readings. In order to partly address this, you need to graphically design your primary and secondary activities.
Then you need to design out your business processes. Using the example from your readings or what you can find online, and MS Visio develop your processes for your organization. Use the following Visio tutorial you can also use one of the alternatives listed in the training.
Collect all the documents, tables, diagrams and summaries you have developed. Combine them into a report. This is the first step in an ongoing project for the semester.
Let’s review your items so far:
Identification of your organization
Summary of your organization
Analysis of organization
Five Forces
Value chain
Competitive strategies
SWOT analysis chart
Use the link here and steps below as part of the analysis.
Step 1: For each generic strategy, carry out a SWOT Analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats you would face, if you adopted that strategy. Having done this, it may be clear that your organization is unlikely to be able to make a success of some of the generic strategies.
Step 2: Use Five Forces Analysis to understand the nature of the industry you are in.
Step 3: Compare the SWOT Analyses of the viable strategic options with the results of your Five Forces analysis. For each strategic option, ask yourself how you could use that strategy to:
Reduce or manage supplier power.
Reduce or manage buyer/customer power.
Come out on top of the competitive rivalry.
Reduce or eliminate the threat of substitution.
Reduce or eliminate the threat of new entry.
Select the generic strategy that gives you the strongest set of options.
Start to identify data you need to develop information and ultimately derive information you can use in your organization. Start thinking about Databases and database concepts for the next part of this project.
To finish this section out, you will need to think about what it is your organization does or will do to assist your new client or service. This is also where you need to think about the technology you will need. This will be a cursory list. These requirements might change later. Start with a general list technology you think you might need. Generate a list of questions you need to know for your department to do its job. You will add this to your report. Generate a list of hardware components. Think about how current and future technology could help your department and organization. Use concepts from your readings and online
Add to your report the technology you will need/ want. To include (detail out the what and why):
Create a formal report no more than 15 pages. Use a simple none-special formatted cover page; names centered, date, title of report.
Your report should include the 4 items above, your table from above, and your analysis.
Use proper APA style 10-12 font, headings (using roman numerals), and references for any cited information. Reference page should be on a separate page. All your tables and processes should go into an Appendix, labelled as A, B, C, etc. This should be after your reference page.
For your presentation should adhere to your instructors’ requirements but at a minimum no more than 20 slides, name on the cover page with assignment title, date and class. Avoid fancy format, blank is better. Minimal content on the slide. Use the note section below the slide for all context and concept ideas. Any quotes (direct or indirect) need a reference slide and proper APA style in-line and for the reference. See Purdue Owl for proper APA style. Please note, you will continuously build upon your presentation.
You need to describe your industry and summarize the draft report you are conducting- see previous section on your report.
Example of what the Tableau will look like
This part will assist you with being able to clearly understand data and then apply data concepts to your related field. In this part, you will need to identify data concepts, what you want to know about your organization, identify data collection, storage, and processing techniques, and then conduct analysis on the data obtained.
INSTRUCTIONS: In this activity students will need to locate data from one of the following sites:
Or select any one of the data site links here
These are not an exhaustive list. You are welcome to look for others- however, you need to get approval from your instructor before you proceed. Once you have your data, you will need to organize your data and clean it up. Cleaning your data means to remove any unwanted or errant data in the data file.
For example, you want to make sure proper labels are established, all fields contain similar data and that you have enough data to infer information.
You will need to apply for a student license here for Tableau.
This is for free.
If you get a prompt asking for a trial or enter in financial information, you are not in the correct location to request a student copy.
Next, you will want to start watching the training videos on using Tableau here. There are some that are long but most broken up into short videos. Skip around where you feel you need to, but you should watch Getting Started, Tableau Prep, and Dashboard and Stories. Here is an all-inclusive training starter.
To complete this activity, you will need to create a presentation using one of many available presentation tools. You should present a brief Production Overview: of the data you obtained, what it means to you (your definition, the type, how it’s used) as explained in Module 1 and 2. You will not submit the presentation now. You will build upon this in later modules and submit at the end of the M5 with Part 3.
data visualization
Your presentation should adhere to your instructors’ requirements but at a minimum no more than 20 slides, name on the cover page with assignment title, date and class.
Avoid fancy format, blank is better. Minimal content on the slide. Use the note section below the slide for all context and concept ideas. Any quotes (direct or indirect) need a reference slide and proper APA style in-line and for the reference.
See the following link.
You will also need to create a dashboard report to go with your presentation. This dashboard will be added to the report you started drafting in Module 1
Data Analysis: For this you will need to take the data you have been working on. This is your individual data. You will need to take your data and conduct an analysis, interpret the results and provide a solution. You will need to submit your data to one of the data analytical tools available. Complete a dashboard by following the outlined format. See Sample-Document. Add this dashboard to your ongoing draft. Make any updates to your previous report.
Produce a portfolio of data visualization exercises using: Tableau.
You may look at other tools here: Micro Strategy, Watson, Orange, Rapid Miner. But you should use Tableau.
You really need to think about your field/industry data! Use meaningful data for something that is interesting and useful from your field. You need to ask: What are you interested in knowing?
For this exercise you will select the Tableau tool above, develop a question and then work on answering that question. You can use the sample models of a guide; however, your project will need to have your own analysis and should NOT look like any example module here other than formatting. Please see the guide for additional details.
Part 2 is due with Part 3 in M5, Sunday before 11:59PM EST/EDT.
Micro Strategy
Rapid Miner
Server room displaying database values. Databases are an example of Management Information Systems.
For Part 3 of your MIS Project, you will present on Management Information Systems in your respective fields. This part will further build upon Parts 1 and 2 in helping students develop and select their MIS. In this part, you will need to identify all possible MISs technologies necessary for them obtain their goals, these include HR, communication, pay, etc. Students need to think about all potential technologies in use today for the internet and how they can be applied to their organization. Provide an example that depicts each of your MIS components and Identify the different types of IS used in your industry and how they are used.
INSTRUCTIONS: Your presentation should adhere to your instructors’ requirements but at a minimum no more than 20 slides, name on the cover page with assignment title, date and class. Avoid fancy format, blank is better. Minimal content on the slide. Use the note section below the slide for all context and concept ideas. Any quotes (direct or indirect) need a reference slide and proper APA style in-line and for the reference.
See owl.purdue.edu.
For this activity, submit a summary of your industries MIS and how they would enhance/assist with your new department. Identify how your organization is going to use the new technology- computers purchased. Add this to your ongoing presentation.
Part 4 will complete the project exercise by summarizing their technologies, value added, all previously generated diagrams and materials, dashboards, and conclusions on their organization. In addition, students will need to identify future trends and possibility of using future technologies such as AI, AR, and/or VR in your future field of work. You will need to adjust all previous information on the presentation as necessary from feedback (if any) and make once conclusive presentation to submit in M8.
By completing this activity, you should be able to describe processes as part of developing strategies in the overall development and or implementation of an IS. As well as describe how processes are part of establishing a competitive advantage.
Instructions: Your presentation should adhere to your instructors’ requirements but at a minimum no more than 20 slides, name on the cover page with assignment title, date and class. Avoid fancy format, blank is better. Minimal content on the slide. Use the note section below the slide for all context and concept ideas. Any quotes (direct or indirect) need a reference slide and proper APA style in-line and for the reference. See owl.purdue.edu.
Supporting material: APA example
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