Online Quiz

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Course: Social Work

Subject: Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Students will be required to complete short on-line quizzes during the study period. These quizzes will consist of a series of multiple choice and true/false items and assess your understanding of the material presented. Quizzes include content from lectures, tutorials, readings, and on-line modules. It is important that you carefully review the material in each module prior to attempting these quizzes.

Title: Online Quiz 2

Due Date:
23 Nov 20 09AM – 27 Nov 20 11AM Open for 5 days

Marked out of: 10

Task Description:
This online quiz consists a series of multiple choice questions based upon material covered in weeks 3 and 4.
The Quiz is open for a week and allows the student to stop and start as many times as needed.
Please carefully review all material in these modules before you attempt the quiz.




Please, we also have this question below to answer, thanks.




Both retributive and restorative theories of justice acknowledge a basic moral intuition that a balance has been thrown off by a wrongdoing. Consequently, the victim deserves something and the offender owes something. Both approaches argue that there must be a proportional relationship between the act and the response. They differ, however, on the currency that will fulfil the obligations and right the balance.

While retributive justice refers to people’s desire to punish those who violate rules or laws in order to re-establish justice, restorative justice refers to the restoration of victims, offenders, and community. Retributive theory believes that pain will vindicate. Restorative justice theory, on the other hand, argues that what truly vindicates is acknowledgement of victims’ harms and needs, combined with an active effort to encourage offenders to take responsibility, make right the wrongs, and address the causes of their behaviour. A youth justice conference agreement will usually require the offender to apologise to the victim.

Restorative justice conferences are a tool in which restorative justice is delivered. Restorative justice conferences are an attempt to respond to criminal behaviour in a way that holds the offender accountable and ensures that costs are incurred while at the same time seeking to establish or strengthen bonds to others in the community. They also have the important objective of better addressing the needs of victims of crime.

The Maori people of New Zealand have used a form of restorative justice conferencing for hundreds of years. Other indigenous populations across the world, including the United States, Canada and Japan, have also used similar approaches. The ritual involves bringing together the offenders and their supporters, along with the victims and their extended family and friends. The aim of the conference is to search for a resolution to the problem that will satisfy all involved.

In 1989, New Zealand passed the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act that made family group conferences an official option for the police when dealing with young offenders (i.e, under 18 years of age). Soon afterward, restorative justice conferences spread to Australia and to the US. Legislation supporting restorative justice practices and family group conferences has been enacted in South Australia (1993), Western Australia (1994), and New South Wales (1997).

The Video

This video demonstrates how a restorative justice conference may work for a juvenile offender. While you are watching the video think about the pros and cons of using such an approach with juvenile offenders.

The video can be viewed online at

After watching the video, consider the following discussion questions. Please answer the questions:

· From the offender’s perspective…

1. How do you think you would feel having to face the victim/s during the conference?

2. How do you think these feelings would impact upon you after the conference?

3. What do you think are the pros and cons of a conference for the offender?

4. What do you think are the pros and cons of court for the offender?

From the victim’s perspective…

5. If you were the victim, would you prefer the offender to go to court or attend a conference? Why?

6. Do you think you would feel better or worse after a conference? Why?

7. What do you think are the pros and cons of a conference for the victim?

8. What do you think are the pros and cons of court for the victim?

From a citizen’s perspective…

9. Do you think this is an appropriate form of justice for juveniles?

10. Would you have different views towards conferences depending on:

o The type of offence that was committed? For example, what if James had committed a rape, or murder?
o The age of the offender? For example, what if the offender was 13? What if the offender was 18?

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